
Welcome to the Where are the Joneses? wiki site. Where are the Joneses? was a daily comedy, shot entirely for the web and very funny. The collborative part of the project is now over, but you can still see the films over on the main site and we still have some gems to put up (outtakes, poetry etc).

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Where Are The Joneses?
Well, the project is finished, the last scripts have been improvised, you've all been fantastic! But it's not quite over just yet…
The end of the road for Ian and Dawn?
In the final episode of Where are the Joneses, will Ian and Dawn find the answers to all the questions they have, including who is Cherry?

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Get involved - now closed


Submit your ideas and they’ll be written into the episodes. Ideas can be gags, locations, themes, silliness, anything you can think of!

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Write a script or contribute to someone elses. This is for people who like to script dialogue in detail.

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Invent a new character or why not put yourself forward as a character and star in an episode or two. Go on. You’re a natural!

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Hang out with the fans and production team and tell us how we can make the show even better.

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